Please review the 403(b) Custodial Agreement before completing your application.
Accounts are available only to U.S. citizens and U.S. resident aliens.
- By expanding this section, the following fields with an asterisk (*) are required.
- To skip Beneficiary, collapse this section and select "Continue."
- NOTE: The designation entered here replaces and revokes any prior designation you may already have on file for this plan type.
In the event of my death, pay the balance of my 403(b) as indicated above.
If you live in a community property state and you do not designate your spouse as your sole primary beneficiary, consult your attorney or tax advisor to determine if your spouse must consent in writing to your designation of beneficiary. If your state requires spousal consent, please complete a Designation of Beneficiary form and mail it to us.
Review and update your designation periodically, especially if there is a change in your family status (marriage, divorce, adoption of children, death of a family member) or if the information for a beneficiary changes. In the event of a divorce, a designation of a former spouse may not be valid unless you re-designate your former spouse by submitting a new beneficiary form after the divorce is final.
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