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Who We Are

Managing Money, Making an Impact

Teaming up with American Century isn’t just a way to reach investment goals, it’s a way to create a healthier world for everyone.

Systematic Active Strategies

Strategies built around one investment philosophy through a transparent process Avantis Investors® applies decades of experience designing and managing solutions for the benefits of clients.

What We Offer

Investment Capabilities

Management teams in our investment disciplines employ well-defined, repeatable investment processes in strategies encompassing nearly all segments of the global capital markets. View All Capabilities

What We Offer

Investment Capabilities

Management teams in our investment disciplines employ well-defined, repeatable investment processes in strategies encompassing nearly all segments of the global capital markets.

Australian Unit Trust (AUT)

American Century Investments® offers the AUT investment vehicle to wholesale clients in Australia.

Breakthrough Medical Research

Over 40% of Our Profits Contributed Every Year

Our corporate mission includes making an enduring, meaningful societal impact. Over 40% of our profits go to our controlling owner, the Stowers Institute for Medical Research, a world-class biomedical research organization dedicated to defeating life-threatening diseases.

Helix statue at exterior of the Stowers Institute for Medical Research.