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Our Teams

Guided by well-defined, repeatable investment processes

Investment Teams

Global Growth Equity

Designed to Capture Growth Early and Drive Alpha Through Stock Selection

Global Value Equity

Seeking High Quality, Out-of-Favor Companies

Disciplined Equity

Systematically Focused on Fundamentals

Global Fixed Income

Pursuing Conviction-Driven Outperformance

Multi-Asset Strategies

Multi-asset Solutions Through Dynamic Diversification

Systematic Active Strategies

Strategies incorporating the latest academic research.

All Strategies

Global Growth Equity Strategies

Global Focus

Emerging Markets

A pure-play strategy seeking to invest in all-cap, emerging markets companies exhibiting accelerating earnings growth.

Emerging Markets Small Cap

A pure-play, small cap strategy seeking to invest in emerging market companies (generally $500m-$5b) exhibiting accelerating earnings growth.

Emerging Markets Sustainable Impact

A strategy seeking to invest in growing, emerging market companies that are generating positive social and environmental impact and returns.

Global Concentrated Growth

A high-conviction strategy seeking to invest in a select group of global growth companies (in developed and emerging markets) with improving fundamentals and accelerating growth.

Global Growth (MSCI ACWI)

The strategy invests primarily in large-cap companies located in developed and emerging markets including the U.S. with improving fundamentals and accelerating growth.

Global Growth (MSCI World)

The strategy invests primarily in large-cap companies located in developed and emerging markets including the U.S. with improving fundamentals and accelerating growth.

Global Small Cap

The strategy invests in small cap companies located in developed (including the United States) and emerging markets.

Health Care Impact

The strategy invests in innovative health care companies that we believe can help the portfolio achieve long-term capital growth and create a positive societal impact.

Non-U.S. Focus

Non-U.S. Concentrated Growth

The strategy invests in a select group of non-U.S. companies in developed and emerging markets, with growth characteristics not reflected in the stock price.

Non-U.S. Growth

The strategy invests in non-U.S. companies, primarily in developed markets, with accelerating and sustainable growth characteristics and earnings power not reflected in the stock price.

Non-U.S. Growth (MSCI ACWI ex-U.S.)

The strategy invests in non-U.S. companies in developed markets, with accelerating and sustainable growth characteristics and earnings power not reflected in the stock price.

Non-U.S. Growth (MSCI EAFE Only)

The strategy invests in non-U.S. companies in developed markets, with accelerating and sustainable growth characteristics and earnings power not reflected in the stock price.

Non-U.S. Small Cap

The strategy invests in small cap companies located in developed and emerging markets outside of the United States.

U.S. Focus

U.S. Focused Dynamic Growth

The strategy seeks to invest in companies that we believe are capable of sustaining high growth rates and that have a competitive advantage demonstrated by higher profitability.

U.S. Large Cap Growth

U.S. Large Cap Growth is a bottom-up, risk-aware strategy that seeks to invest in companies demonstrating improving fundamentals.

U.S. Large Cap Quality Growth

The strategy seeks to invest in highly profitable, large cap companies with the capacity for future growth.

U.S. Opportunistic Mid Cap Growth

This strategy is a thematic growth portfolio designed to help build capital over time through investments in growing mid-sized companies.

U.S. Premier Large Cap Growth

The strategy seeks growth by investing in highly profitable, large-cap companies with the capacity for future growth.

U.S. Small Cap Growth

Seeks to identify companies, primarily in the U.S., with small market capitalization that are exhibiting accelerating and sustainable business improvement.

U.S. Sustainable Large Cap Core

We seek to invest in large cap companies (ESG leaders) with improving business fundamentals and sustainable corporate behaviors to deliver competitive long-term financial returns.

Global Value Equity Strategies

Global Focus

Global Sustainable Value

A best-in-progress global equity strategy that seeks to invest in high-quality value companies that are improving their sustainability characteristics to generate compelling risk-adjusted returns over time.

Global Quality Value

A global equity strategy seeking to invest in high-quality businesses selling at a discount aiming to generate income, provide downside protection, and generate compelling risk-adjusted returns over time.

Global Real Estate Securities

A strategy seeking to deliver diversification and high total return including capital appreciation and secondarily, current income within the global real estate industry.

Non-U.S. Focus

Non-U.S. Intrinsic Value

A bottom-up, absolute, intrinsic value strategy that adheres to the principle of margin of safety in constructing a benchmark agnostic portfolio.

U.S. Focus

U.S. Focused Large Cap Value

A high-conviction, value strategy that strives to invest in high-quality, large cap companies selling at a discount to fair value.

U.S. Mid Cap Value

A bottom-up, classic value strategy that seeks to invest in high-quality, medium capitalization companies selling at a discount to fair value.

U.S. Real Estate Securities

A strategy looking to deliver diversification and high total return including capital appreciation and secondarily, current income within the U.S. real estate industry.

U.S. Small Cap Income

A strategy seeking to invest in small cap, income-producing companies selling at a discount to fair value.

U.S. Small Cap Value

A strategy focused on investing in high-quality, small cap companies selling at a discount to fair value.

U.S. Value

A bottom-up, classic value strategy that invests in high-quality companies selling at a discount to fair value.

U.S. Value Yield

A classic value strategy that seeks to deliver income, build capital and manage downside risk over time.

Disciplined Equity Strategies

U.S. Disciplined Large Cap Core Equity

Seeks long-term capital growth by investing in businesses with strong profitability and sustainable earnings.

U.S. Disciplined Core Value

Seeks long-term capital growth and income by investing in large-cap stocks with attractive valuations and sustainable dividends.

U.S. Disciplined Large Cap Growth

Pursues enhanced returns across the market cycle by investing in companies with a track record of attractive growth along with strong quality characteristics, as measured by profitability, earnings and use of leverage.

Non-U.S. Disciplined Large Cap Value

Pursues enhanced returns across the market cycle through exposure to stocks with strong fundamentals selling at attractive valuations.

Global Fixed Income Strategies

Single Sector

U.S. Intermediate Government

An income-focused portfolio that invests in a range of government bond sectors, including Treasuries, government agencies, and mortgages.

U.S. Short Duration Inflation Protection Bond

An actively managed low-duration, multisector portfolio designed to combat the effects of inflation and rising interest rates.

U.S. Inflation-Adjusted Bond

An actively managed, multisector portfolio designed to combat the effects of inflation.

U.S. Diversified Corporate

Seeks total investment return through a combination of current income and capital appreciation.

Emerging Markets Debt Total Return

A flexible bond portfolio that seeks out the most attractive opportunities across emerging markets, regardless of benchmark allocations.

Multi Sector

U.S. Short Duration

Invests primarily in short-term investment-grade securities in pursuit of current income with limited volatility, particularly when interest rates rise.

U.S. Core Fixed Income

Invests in a broadly diversified, high-quality, intermediate-duration portfolio in pursuit of risk-managed total return.

U.S. Core Plus Fixed Income

Emphasizes investment-grade securities, complemented by high-yield, emerging markets, and non-dollar issues in pursuit of enhanced yield.

Global Fixed Income

Total return-focused strategy that invests in the full range of global fixed income securities and currencies in a currency-hedged portfolio.

Non-U.S. Aggregate

Focuses on high-quality, non-dollar-denominated government and corporate debt securities outside the United States to pursue total return.

Multi-Sector Credit Income

Pursues enhanced risk-adjusted total return through active sector management and fundamentally driven security selection.

Global Unconstrained Fixed Income

Total return-oriented, flexibly managed global portfolio seeking diversified sources of return by investing across fixed income sectors, countries, and currencies.

Systematic Active Strategies

U.S. Equity

Avantis U.S. All Cap Equity

Invests in a wide set of U.S. companies of all market capitalizations believed to have higher expected returns.

Avantis U.S. Large Cap Value Equity

Emphasizes U.S. large-cap companies trading at low valuations with higher profitability ratios believed to offer higher expected returns.

Avantis U.S. Small Cap Equity

Invests in U.S. small-cap companies taking into consideration valuation, profitability and levels of investment when selecting and weighting securities.

Avantis U.S. Small Cap Value Equity

Emphasizes U.S. small-cap companies trading at low valuations with higher profitability ratios believed to offer higher expected returns.

Global Equity

Avantis All Equity Markets

Designed to provide exposure to a broadly diversified set of companies, sectors and countries while emphasizing securities with higher expected returns. The strategy pursues its objectives through investing in a series of other Avantis exchange-traded funds (ETFs).

Non-U.S. Developed Equity

Avantis Non-U.S. All Cap Equity

Invests in a wide set of non-U.S. developed markets companies of all market capitalizations believed to have higher expected returns.

Avantis Non-U.S. Large Cap Value Equity

Emphasizes non-U.S. large-cap companies trading at low valuations with higher profitability ratios believed to offer higher expected returns.

Avantis Non-U.S. Small Cap Value Equity

Invests in a wide set of non-U.S. developed small-cap companies believed to have higher expected returns.

Emerging Markets Equity

Avantis Emerging Markets Equity

Invests in companies of all market capitalizations, across emerging markets countries, sectors and industries, believed to have higher expected returns.

Avantis Emerging Markets Value Equity

Invests in a diversified portfolio of companies of all capitalizations believed to have higher expected returns, trading at low valuations with higher profitability ratios.

Fixed Income

Avantis U.S. Core Fixed Income

Invests in a broad set of investment-grade debt obligations across sectors, maturities, and issuers.

Avantis Short Duration Core Fixed Income

Invests in a broad set of investment-grade debt obligations across sectors, maturities, and issuers.

Real Assets

Avantis Global Real Estate Securities

Designed to provide diversified exposure to global real estate securities believed to have higher expected returns.

Avantis Inflation Focused Equity

Designed to invest primarily in a diverse group of U.S. companies in market sectors and industry groups that historically have had, or that portfolio managers believe to have long-term correlation with inflation.

Managing Money, Making an Impact

Learn more about how we help our clients Prosper With Purpose®.

Many of American Century’s investment strategies incorporate sustainability factors, using environmental, social, and/or governance (ESG) data, into their investment processes in addition to traditional financial analysis. However, when doing so, the portfolio managers may not consider sustainability-related factors with respect to every investment decision and, even when such factors are considered, they may conclude that other attributes of an investment outweigh sustainability factors when making decisions for the portfolio. The incorporation of sustainability factors may limit the investment opportunities available to a portfolio, and the portfolio may or may not outperform those investment strategies that do not incorporate sustainability factors. ESG data used by the portfolio managers often lacks standardization, consistency, and transparency, and for certain companies such data may not be available, complete, or accurate.