Congratulations on Setting Up a SIMPLE IRA Retirement Plan Account
Your application is being processed. Please watch your inbox for a confirmation email.
One More Step to Simplify
To get a complete retirement outlook, consider consolidating all of your retirement savings in one place. You can move your investments to your new SIMPLE account by completing a Request to Transfer form*.
ADP is a leader in offering retirement plans and American Century Investments® is one of the largest money managers in the country. By working together, our goal is to help you stay on track for retirement.
If you have questions about your SIMPLE IRA account, please contact an American Century® Retirement Plan Specialist 1-800-345-3533.
* Simple IRA to Simple IRA transfers may be made at any time. Custodian transfers from other types of IRAs (except Roth IRAs) and rollovers from 403(b)s, 457(b)s and other qualified retirement plans may only be made after two years of participation in the Simple IRA. The two-year participation period begins on the date the first contribution is made to any Simple IRA plan maintained by your employer.
ADP and American Century Investments are working together to provide retirement solutions for small business owners and their employees.