YTD Total Return As of 03/05/2025 | 1.85% |
Nav As of 03/05/2025 | $19.79 |
Nav Change ($0.31) | 1.59% |
How To Buy
Individual Investors: This share class is only available for purchase through an employer sponsored retirement plan. Call 1-800-345-3533 to speak to a business retirement services representative. However, you can purchase the investor share class of this fund on the website.
View Investor Share ClassFinancial Advisors: Contact your wholesaler at 1-800-345-6488 for more information.
The performance of the portfolios is dependent on the performance of their underlying American Century funds and will assume the risks associated with these funds. The risks will vary according to each portfolio's asset allocation, and the risk level assigned to each portfolio is intended to reflect the relative short-term price volatility among the funds in each.
The value and/or returns of a portfolio will fluctuate with market and economic conditions.
Please see the prospectus for details about sales charges.
The gross expense ratio is the fund's total annual operating costs, expressed as a percentage of the fund's average net assets for a given time period. It is gross of any fee waivers or expense reimbursement. The net expense ratio is the expense ratio after the application of any waivers or reimbursement. This is the actual ratio that investors paid during the fund's most recent fiscal year. Please see the prospectus for more information.
Investor Class Shares: Minimum initial investment is $1,000 for IRA and CESA accounts, and $2,500 for non-retirement accounts, but these minimums are waived with an initial investment of at least $500 per account and automatic investments of at least $100 per month. Non-Retirement Accounts: If your account balance falls below the minimum, or if you cancel your automatic monthly investment plan prior to reaching the minimum, American Century Investments may redeem the account and send the proceeds to you. Prior to doing so, we will notify you and give you 90 days to meet the minimum or reinstate your automatic monthly investment plan.
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