YTD Total Return As of 11/20/2024 | 17.89% |
Nav As of 11/20/2024 | $22.01 |
Nav Change ($0.09) | 0.41% |
Morningstar Overall Rating | |
As of 10/31/2024 for Small Growth category Based on risk-adjusted return out of 542 funds. |
How To Buy
Individual Investors: Open a new account or use an existing account registration
Open New Account Log In NowFinancial Advisors: Contact your wholesaler at 1-800-345-6488 for more information
Returns or yields for the fund would have been lower if a portion of the management fee had not been waived. Review the annual or semiannual report for the most current information.
Historically, small- and/or mid-cap stocks have been more volatile than the stock of larger, more-established companies. Smaller companies may have limited resources, product lines and markets, and their securities may trade less frequently and in more limited volumes than the securities of larger companies.
Please see the prospectus for details about sales charges.
The gross expense ratio is the fund's total annual operating costs, expressed as a percentage of the fund's average net assets for a given time period. It is gross of any fee waivers or expense reimbursement. The net expense ratio is the expense ratio after the application of any waivers or reimbursement. This is the actual ratio that investors paid during the fund's most recent fiscal year. Please see the prospectus for more information.
Investor Class Shares: Minimum initial investment is $1,000 for IRA and CESA accounts, and $2,500 for non-retirement accounts, but these minimums are waived with an initial investment of at least $500 per account and automatic investments of at least $100 per month. Non-Retirement Accounts: If your account balance falls below the minimum, or if you cancel your automatic monthly investment plan prior to reaching the minimum, American Century Investments may redeem the account and send the proceeds to you. Prior to doing so, we will notify you and give you 90 days to meet the minimum or reinstate your automatic monthly investment plan.
Measures the performance of those Russell 2000 Index companies (the 2,000 smallest of the 3,000 largest publicly traded U.S. companies, based on total market capitalization) with higher price-to-book ratios and higher forecasted growth values.
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