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Sustainable Investing
Investment Strategies

LuxFLAG ESG Label for Emerging Markets Fund



American Century Investments, $232 billion* global investment manager, announced today that its American Century Emerging Markets Sustainable Impact UCITS* Fund, a sub-fund of Nomura Funds Ireland Plc. has been awarded the LuxFLAG ESG Label.

The Luxembourg Finance Labelling Agency (LuxFLAG) is an independent and international non-profit association created in Luxembourg in July 2006 by seven public and private founding partners.

The primary objective of the LuxFLAG ESG Label is to reassure investors that the Investment Product incorporates ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance) criteria throughout the entire investment process. The eligibility criteria for the ESG Label require applicant funds to screen 100 percent of their invested portfolio according to one of the ESG strategies and standards recognized by LuxFLAG.

Sachin Vankalas, general manager of LuxFLAG said: "We are pleased to announce that, the American Century Emerging Markets Sustainable Impact Equity Fund has been granted the use of LuxFLAG ESG Label for a period starting on 01 April 2021 and ending on 31 March 2022. The LuxFLAG ESG Label is recognized for its high standards and rigorous assessment of applicant investment funds' investment strategy, ESG integration into the investment process as well as an affirmation of their transparency to investors which are all key components of the Eligibility Criteria of LuxFLAG ESG Label."

Patricia Ribeiro, senior portfolio manager at American Century Investments, commented: "This award is testament to our distinct investment philosophy and ESG integration approach. It also reflects our commitment to investing in companies that fuel positive change by contributing to the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (U.N. SDGs)."

"We strongly believe that impact can be accomplished without compromising investment returns. Our portfolio offers the opportunity to achieve the SDGs by investing in firms we believe can both generate an attractive financial return and drive positive societal change in regions that need it the most. The portfolio includes five main impact themes: health care, sustainable living, technological progress, education and environmental protection."

The American Century Emerging Markets Sustainable Impact fund actively invests in companies that demonstrate accelerating growth while contributing to one or more of the U.N. SDGs. The fund aims to provide excess return above the MSCI Emerging Markets Index.

The investment team manages US$6 billion as of 3/31/2021 in emerging markets assets.

Luxembourg Finance Labelling Agency

The LUXEMBOURG FINANCE LABELLING AGENCY (LuxFLAG) is an independent and international non-profit association created in Luxembourg in July 2006 by seven public and private founding partners.

The agency aims to promote the raising of capital for the Responsible Investment sector by awarding a recognised label to eligible investment vehicles. The objective of the LuxFLAG labels is to reassure investors that the applicant invests in the Responsible Investment sector. The applicant may be domiciled in any jurisdiction that is subject to a level of national supervision equivalent to that available in European Union countries.

About American Century Investments

  • Who We Are

    American Century Investments is a leading global asset manager focused on delivering investment results and building long-term client relationships while supporting breakthrough medical research.

  • Quick Facts

    Founded in 1958, American Century Investments' 1,400 employees serve financial professionals, institutions, corporations and individual investors from offices in Kansas City, Missouri; New York; Los Angeles; Santa Clara, California; Portland, Oregon; London; Frankfurt, Germany; Hong Kong; and Sydney.

  • Management

    Jonathan S. Thomas is president and chief executive officer, and Victor Zhang serves as chief investment officer.

  • Giving Back

    Delivering investment results to clients enables American Century Investments to distribute over 40% of its dividends to the Stowers Institute for Medical Research, a 500-person, nonprofit basic biomedical research organization. The Institute owns more than 40% of American Century Investments and has received dividend payments of more than $2 billion since 2000.

Day time view of American Century Headquarters in Kansas City, Missouri

Assets under supervision as of 6/21/21.

International investing involves special risks, such as political instability and currency fluctuations.

This communication has been prepared for informational purposes only and does not constitute an offer to buy or sell any security and does not constitute an investment recommendation or investment, accounting, tax or legal advice.

The fund is a sub-fund of Nomura Funds Ireland plc, which is authorised by the Central Bank of Ireland as an open-ended umbrella investment company with variable capital and segregated liability between its sub-funds, established as an undertaking for Collective Investment in Transferable Securities under the European Communities (Undertakings for Collective Investment in Transferable Securities) Regulations 2011. This document is not intended for distribution to or use by any person or entity in any jurisdiction or country where such distribution or use would be contrary to law or regulation. The shares in the fund have not been and will not be offered for sale in the United States of America, its territories or possessions and all areas subject to its jurisdiction, or to United States Persons. This document is not intended in any way to indicate or guarantee future investment results as the value of investments may go down as well as up. Values may also be affected by exchange rate movements and investors may not get back the full amount originally invested. Before purchasing any investment fund or product, you should read the related prospectus and fund documentation, including full details of all the risks associated with it, to form your own assessment and judgement on whether this investment is suitable in light of your financial knowledge and experience, investment objectives and financial or tax situation and whether to obtain specific advice from an investment professional. The prospectus and Key Investor Information Document are available in English from the Nomura Asset Management U.K. Ltd website at Nomura Asset Management U.K. Ltd. is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. Portfolio data source: Nomura Asset Management U.K. Ltd.

SFDR Disclosure: The EU Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation ("SFDR") requires investment firms to formalise how sustainability is integrated into their business and processes, and to make new public and client-facing disclosures on sustainability matters. The aforementioned disclosures relating to Nomura Asset Management U.K. Limited are published on the website at . -Product related disclosures regarding Nomura Funds Ireland PLC, its sub-funds can be found in the prospectus. The American Century Emerging Markets Sustainable Impact Equity Fund is an Article 9 fund according to SFDR.

American Century Investment Management (UK) Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority.

American Century Investment Management (UK) Limited is registered in England and Wales. Registered number: 06520426. Registered office: 12 Henrietta Street, 4th Floor, London, WC2E 8LH.

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